Create space in your life to breathe, to dream, to open to possibility... yoga, meditation, breathwork, pampering, good friends, good food ....a whole weekend dedicated to yourself and breathing new life into your life!

Contact Us

Santosha Yoga & Meditation Retreats, LLC
Contact us by e-mail:
Contact us by mail: PO Box 146 Lemitar, NM 87823
Contact us by phone: 505-417-1986


Bodywork/Massage and Private Classes

Bodywork, therapies and private classes are included as part of your retreat package to support you as you wring out old ways of being and come into your own for a bright, focused new year.  We offer you a variety of options and will do our very best to accommodate your first choice.  

Thai Yoga Massage uses passive stretching and compressive massage to open the energy lines of the body, release muscular tensions, open the joints, and ease the mind. Often described as having yoga done to you, this massage is performed fully clothed without oils. With Marisa Wolfe (LMT# 5949) or Ova Leuthye (LMT#5655).

Reflexology draws on predefined maps of pressure points and lines in the feet, hands and head to work the entire body and all of its systems.  It is especially beneficial for relaxation, stress relief, pain management and increased circulation.  May include the use of oils and some gentle Thai stretches to help you integrate your treatment. With Maggie Griffin-Taylor, Certified Reflexologist.

Swedish Massage is a soothing, work-out-the-tough-spots kind of massage involving oiling the body and kneading and gliding the belly of the muscles.  Every therapist brings his/her own unique set of skills to the massage to make it just right for you.  True pampering! With Teina Barret Wells (LMT#5700).

Chi Ne Tsang (Taoist Abdominal Massage) is a focused massage targeting disorders and tensions that reside in the belly.  It can quickly improve digestion and balance your energies. Includes pulse reading and acupressure. With Ova Leuthye (LMT#5655).

Deep Shiatsu Backwalk is done fully clothed on a floor mat. Your therapist approaches the work with a Zen Shiatsu sensitivity, allowing the tissues to warm and soften before applying more profound pressure. A unique and lovely experience. With Ova Leuthye (LMT#5655).

Private Yoga, Pranayama and/or Meditation Classes are opportunities to bring your unique inquiry to your yoga, pranayama or meditation practice.  If you have particular struggles in asana (yoga posture), pranayama (breathwork), or dyana (meditation), or you have express interests in deepening your practice in these areas, a private session serves as a laser focus on you.  If there are poses you have wanted to explore, breathing techniques you want to refine or learn, or you desire guidance on developing your meditation or even your overall practice, a private session can take you to the next level.  Sessions will focus on your desired aspect of practice, but may include other yogic elements to enhance your experience. With Maggie Griffin-Taylor.